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Friday, 6 May 2016

NS2 versus NS3

Network simulation is undoubtedly one of the most prevalent evaluation methodologies in the area of computer networks. While simulation is not the only tool used for data networking research, it is extremely useful because it often allows research questions and prototypes to be explored at relatively lesser cost and time than that required to experiment with real implementations and networks. The network simulators allow one to model an arbitrary computer network by specifying both the behavior of the network nodes and the communication channels. It provides a virtual environment for an assortment of desirable features such as modeling a network based on a specific criteria and analyzing its performance under different scenarios. The newly proposed network simulator NS-3 supports coupling, interoperability, good memory management, debugging of split language objects, coding in C++ and object oriented concepts, as well as supports models supported by NS-2 and most suitable for wireless networks. The primary purpose of this post is to review this new simulator, as well as find its advantages in the field of research and how it is different from others mainly Ns2.

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